Semicon Research Ltd. Tokyo Japan


Regular Publication Report

*Color characters means English version available

Name Contents Price/Year(Yen)
SRL Monthly Report Monthly update topics, opinions etc. 98,000
SRL Quarterly Forecast
(English version)
Quarterly update of : Market forecast for next 5 quarters. Up date Company
performance, Share Etc.
Strategic Relationship Database of alliances and joint venture in semiconductor area 210,000

Strategic Analysis Reports
Semiconductor user related
The Impact of Emerging Asian Market: Trends of 55 Major Japanese Semiconductor Users; Strategicanalysis on their Procurement activities.
October 1994 A4,23 pages
Procurements strategies for major 55 Japanese semiconductor users October 1994 A4,107 pages
User's requirements on semiconductor products database. September 1998 A4,100 pages
Distributors and trading companies related
Semiconductor trading companies at a turning point "Strategies for growth in the 21st century" July 2000 A4, 90 pages
Technology oriented semiconductor trading companies, The golden age will be realize as high
possibility ratio.
March 2001 A4, 100 pages
Semiconductor Products related
Japanese PLD/FPGA Market; detail study on Top 7 suppliers May 1995 A4, 39 pages
Japanese PLD/FPGA Market; detail study on Top 7 suppliers June 1997 A4, 23 pages
Strategic analysis on linear and mixed signal companies July 1997
Strategic analysis on linear and mixed signal companies July 1998

Semiconductor companies for external management
World Semiconductor Industry 10 Year Study October 1989 A4,180 pages
Impact of Alliances and Joint Ventures in the Semiconductor Industry
March 1991 A4,180 pages
Strategies for Intellectual property rights in the 90's (English version available)
May 1992 A4,700 pages
The Impact of Emerging Asian Market
Part 2; Strategic analysis on Major semiconductor company's activities in Asia
May 1995 A4,53 pages

A4, 150 pages

Foreign semiconductor companies in Japan
STRATEGIES '94 50 Foreign semiconductor companies in Japan
March 1994 A4,100 pages
STRATEGIES for the 90s; 50 Foreign semiconductor companies in Japan
January 1996 A4, 105 pages
STRATEGIES for the 90s; Selected 12 companies from50 Foreign semiconductor companies inJapan
March 1996 A4, 35 pages
50 Foreign semiconductor companies in Japan An offensive and defensive battle at the 30%  share level. April 1998 A4, 116 pages
Japan semiconductor market October 2009 A4,14 pages
Manufacturing and related
Report on Japanese Semiconductor Factories in the U.S. & Europe
November 1989 A4,130 pages
Japanese semiconductor equipment companies in North America -- Status and quo
October 1991 A4,100 pages